Character Questions Meme

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So, basically, there's a DA meme which has you having your characters answer a series of questions. Some of them are good, some are stupid (and likely included with manga/fanfic characters in mind) but overall, since there's 50 of them, they are a pretty decent tool for fleshing out a character concept. Or answering just for fun. Or something. So I've been using it for all my new RPG characters and decided to share the results here because, hey, why not. I'm not going to update the answers, though, even as they would change due to things that happen in-game. They'll stay the way they were at the beginning.

The cast of characters:

Howard MacCrachen, mad scientist and inventor (Deadlands)
Tepet Corran, a Dynast-born Chosen of Mars Sidereal (Exalted)
Onyx Shadow of Underworld Dawn, Moonshadow Caste Abyssal (Exalted)
Antek Wrzesniowski "Wojtek", a psychic from the WWII Polish Resistance (WoD: Second Sight)
Ninety-nine Thousand Miles of Doom, Defiler Caste Infernal (Exalted)
Luigi Parmiggiano, a mob hitman from New York, affiliated with the Leone family (Savage Worlds 1940)
James MacArthur, functionary of New Scotland Yard (Unhallowed Metropolis)
Hunter of the Rats in the Walls, Water-aspected Dragon-Blooded Immaculate Monk (Exalted)
Commissioner Ignacy Broll, Polish National Police officer (Call of Cthulhu 1920s)
Alicia "Athena" (or simply Teena) Diane Bernard, Princeton law student (Mage: The Awakening)
Willehalm (Willi) Laurencius Fickuld Eshemann, halfling tobacco merchant (Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay)
Tarik Navreel, pilot and former smuggler now working for the Rebellion (Edge of the Empire & Age of Rebellion)
Sally Browning, Slavic mythology geek turned monster hunter (Supernatural RPG)
Ksenon, Malkavian relic hunter from 500 AD (Vampire: the Dark Ages)
Liera en-Aynor, a charming glaive who wields two weapons at once (Numenera)


1. What gender are you?
Howard: You trying to make fun of an old man?
Tepet: Male.
Shadow: Male, obviously.
Wojtek: Isn't that pretty apparent?
Miles: What? Male, of course.
Luigi: Son, I've never seen a woman with moustache like mine, and I don't ever want to.
James: I know it can be sometimes hard to discern under heavy rubbered clothing, but yes, I'm male.
Hunter: I'm male. Why?
Ignacy: (raises his brows a little) I'm a man.
Teena: (slightly taken aback) A girl. Why are you asking me that?
Willi: Male.
Tarik: Male.
Sally: ...What? Female.
Ksenon: Male.
Liera: Female, duh.

2. What is your age?
Howard: Fifty-eight. Still in my prime years.
Tepet: I'm 23.
Shadow: I know I don't look the part, but I'm 31.
Wojtek: Twenty-three.
Miles: 36.
Luigi: 28.
James: I'm 32 years old.
Hunter: 26.
Ignacy: 42.
Teena: Not telling.
Willi: 22.
Sally: 29.
Ksenon: 33.
Liera: 19.

3. Do you want a hug?
Howard: A hug? (eyes the asker suspiciously) Thank you, but no. I have a few fragile flasks on me. They could break.
Tepet: Uh... I'll pass.
Shadow: Why not?
Wojtek: Eh? Okay, I guess.
Miles: If you must...
Luigi: Sure... but let me search you for concealed weapons first.
James: Thank you for the offer, but I'll manage.
Hunter: No, thank you.
Ignacy: Thank you kindly, but no.
Teena: (starting to be creeped out) Um... thanks, but no thanks.
Willi: Sure. Why not?
Tarik: Thanks, but I'd rather not.
Sally: I could use one, yes.
Ksenon: Careful.
Liera: Come here!

4. Do you have any bad habits?
Howard: I sleep much too often. So wasteful.
Tepet: Not that it bothers me, but I have this dreamstone with a recording from the Games of Divinity...
Shadow: Define "bad habits".
Wojtek: Someone might say I like playing with fire a tad too much.
Miles: Sometimes, I get carried away from the task at hand. And then people die.
Luigi: Depends on what habits you consider bad.
James: Smoking, I think.
Hunter: Regrettably, yes. Nobody save the Dragons is perfect.
Ignacy: Well, I like to have a drink in a good company once in a while, if that's what you mean.
Teena: I like to go out for a few drinks with my friends from time to time... Does that count?
Willi: Gambling, as well as playing hero and getting into dangerous situations all too often. Must be that Lupold blood, not that I'm complaining.
Tarik: I like risks and high stakes. Whether in sabacc or a high-speed race, it's the thrill that counts.
Sally: I have a bad habit of finding all the wrong boyfriends there are to be found in a place.
Ksenon: Depends on what you call a bad habit, but I don't really indulge myself in a physical way.
Liera: I like beer and pretty boys. Is that bad?

5. What is your favorite food?
Howard: Haggis.
Tepet: Anything that's tasty, nourishing and quick.
Shadow: A succulent beef steak.
Wojtek: Pork knuckles.
Miles: Hot curry, Paragon style.
Luigi: Pasta. Spaghetti alla siciliana accompanied with a glass of good red wine. Alternatively, penne stuffed with swordfish in creamy basil sauce.
James: Real meat. There's no finer food in the world.
Hunter: Pretty much whatever fills my stomach and meets my dietary restrictions.
Ignacy: Crayfish in garlic sauce.
Teena: Chicken salad.
Willi: Lamb chops in fragrant rosemary sauce. Apple pie with sour cream. Freshwater trout baked in salt crust with lots of garlic, parsley and lemons. Lustrian potatoes with veal goulash and beetroot puree. And, of course, pancakes.
Tarik: Grilled Chandrila beef steak marinated in Coronet brandy.
Sally: Pancakes with maple syrup.
Ksenon: Blood. Both the favorite and the only food I still consume.
Liera: Ghan sweet fish soup. It's expensive as hell and just as delicious. I've had it only once, but I hope to visit Ledon again soon.

6. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Howard: I don't touch that vile English stuff.
Tepet: Mint.
Shadow: Chocolate.
Wojtek: Hazelnut.
Miles: Pistacchio.
Luigi: Hazelnut.
James: Any flavor really, but I like malaga the best.
Hunter: None. I do not eat sweets.
Ignacy: I don't have a big preference. Vanilla, maybe?
Teena: Cherry.
Willi: Lemon, blueberry or cranberry. But I love ice cream regardless of flavor.
Tarik: Lime.
Sally: Malaga.
Ksenon: I do not eat mortal food anymore, and I don't know what ice cream is.
Liera: Amberberry.

7. Are you a virgin?
Howard: No. What? Why would you ask me that?
Tepet: A Dynast of my age, a virgin? Seriously?
Shadow: Definitely not.
Wojtek: I had a girlfriend, you know.
Miles: Nope, not for the last twenty years anyway.
Luigi: Nope. Sorry.
James: It's not a thing that should be discussed in public.
Hunter: No, but my vows of chastity make this irrelevant all the same.
Ignacy: With all due respect, it's not your place to ask me such questions.
Teena: Sorry, none of your business.
Willi: Heh. Seriously? No.
Tarik: No.
Sally: Really? No, I'm not.
Ksenon: I... am not sure.
Liera: You wish.

8. Have you killed anyone?
Howard: It was in self-defense or in defense of my property.
Tepet: Lots. I lost count already.
Shadow: Sure. Can't really avoid that in my job.
Wojtek: Yes. I'm a soldier. I don't get to choose not to.
Miles: What does it matter?
Luigi: Me? Do I look like a killer to you? I'm offended.
James: Sadly, yes. I live a dangerous life.
Hunter: When need arose.
Ignacy: A few times, I think, during the Great War.
Teena: (genuinely horrified) What? No! Never!
Willi: I did. Didn't expect that, eh? This halfling can defend himself if he needs to.
Tarik: In cold blood, no. During shootouts or dogfights, yes, it has happened.
Sally: If you mean anyone as in, normal humans, then no. Or at least I don't remember it.
Ksenon: Yes. It's not something I particularly enjoy, but I don't have any qualms about it either.
Liera: Well, if some dumb bandit attacks me, he's the only one to blame.

9. Do you hate anyone?
Howard: Oh, yes. Darius Hellstromme, that worthless quack of a scientist. Makes us all look bad in other people's eyes.
Tepet: I have a long list. More like a queue, really.
Shadow: Most of those whom I hated are already dead.
Wojtek: The Germans on the whole, though I do know not all of them are evil.
Miles: Those accursed usurpers who took over and defiled the paradise that Creation once was.
Luigi: Yeah, a few people. No worries though, they don't stay that way for too long.
James: Freiherr Siegfried von Dornbach. Once he was my quarry, now it's gotten very much personal.
Hunter: I don't think so, not per se. I recognize the danger that the Anathema pose to the existence of Creation, but that's not a personal matter for me.
Ignacy: The scum who don't care for our country's problems, only their petty personal gains. They really get on my nerves.
Teena: Generally, yes. Personally... no, I think I don't, though there's one close call.
Willi: Uncle Per Holger. The bastard who wants to steal our land now that our parents have passed away. Him and that bigoted oaf from the Marienburg College of Magic. He's some high-ranking fire wizard or whatever. So high and mighty he looks down on the short folk.
Tarik: I'm not sure. I think I don't hate anyone specific personally, but I do dislike the Black Sun as a whole. I'm also not sure what to think about the Empire.
Sally: A few douchebags I used to be with.
Ksenon: I don't remember anything from my mortal life, and I haven't made such enemies after my Embrace yet.
Liera: Nah. I like people in general. That last guard commander was a dumb moron, but I don't hate him. He'd be dead if I did.

10. Do you have any secrets?
Howard: (levels a sawed-off double barreled shotgun at you) Get off my land. Now.
Tepet: Not really.
Shadow: I have a few. And no, I'm not going to tell you.
Wojtek: Next question, please.
Miles: About as much as anyone else.
Luigi: Of course. Like everyone else.
James: I'm afraid I cannot say anything about that.
Hunter: Yes, but don't expect me to share them.
Ignacy: It's a part of my job.
Teena: I do. And I can keep them.
Willi: Every businessman has some.
Tarik: Well, I'm a smuggler and I do jobs for the Rebels. This alone would be enough to get me executed in right circumstances.
Sally: Sorry, not telling.
Ksenon: Some. Mostly belonging to other people.
Liera: Doesn't everybody? No big and scary ones, though.

11. What is your favorite season?
Howard: Early autumn. In Scotland. With the highland heathes in full bloom.
Tepet: Summer.
Shadow: Calibration.
Wojtek: Late summer. Not counting the last one.
Miles: Rainy.
Luigi: Autumn.
James: In London it's late spring, when the worst of the smog dissipates.
Hunter: The Water season, when the spirit of Daana'd is the strongest.
Ignacy: Late, warm spring.
Teena: Early summer.
Willi: The harvest season.
Tarik: I like when it's warm, not too hot or humid, perhaps with a slight breeze.
Sally: Autumn.
Ksenon: I find myself somewhat fond of the winemaking season.
Liera: Spring.

12. Who is your best friend(s)?
Howard: Friend? Is that a trick question?
Tepet: My blade.
Shadow: I don't really have friends, mainly lovers or co-workers.
Wojtek: I don't know. Now, Janek, I suppose. Fila and Agnieszka, too.
Miles: Emerald Song of the Abyss. I'm not taking my chances with anyone else.
Luigi: Don Aldo Leone, my godfather. I can count on him, and he can count on me.
James: I'm not sure I have any friends anymore. Perhaps the Duchess of Cornwall's entourage, but it's too early to tell.
Hunter: My sworn brotherhood.
Ignacy: Lt. Colonel Franciszek Wabicki, my former comrade-in-arms.
Teena: Liz and Blackie. We've known each other since elementary school. Also my roommate Becca.
Willi: Gretchen, the sailor girl, and Irene, the aspiring sorceress. Wulf is also slowly becoming less of a bodyguard and more of a friend to me.
Tarik: Azumi and Prissk. The new guys are okay too. I wonder how Logan is doing.
Sally: I don't think I have any now and I'd rather not talk about my past.
Ksenon: Heromenes, my father, mentor and guide.
Liera: I have a lot of friends, it'd be hard to pick just one.

13. What are your hobbies?
Howard: Cooking.
Tepet: Practicing martial arts.
Shadow: Women.
Wojtek: Cars, both driving and tinkering with them. Also, explosives.
Miles: Exploring.
Luigi: Fishing and modelling.
James: Reading.
Hunter: You mean pastimes? Exercise and prayer.
Ignacy: Reading and cinema.
Teena: Reading, dancing, running and playing tennis.
Willi: Cooking and eating good food. I don't have to cook for myself every day, so when I do, I make sure to enjoy it.
Tarik: Tinkering with my ship's systems and sightseeing.
Sally: Reading.
Ksenon: Looking into other people's souls.
Liera: Exploring new places.

14. What is your favorite drink?
Howard: A good, well-blended scotch.
Tepet: Green tea.
Shadow: Red, dry wine, the best vintages.
Wojtek: Beer.
Miles: Strong coffee or a refreshing lassi.
Luigi: Wine. Red or white, depends on the dish it accompanies.
James: Afternoon tea.
Hunter: Tea.
Ignacy: Cognac.
Teena: Long Island Iced Tea or mojito.
Willi: Estalian wines, preferably southern reds from Cartagnan vineyards. Also apple cider.
Tarik: Corellian Special Reserve.
Sally: Vodka.
Ksenon: Blood. Preferably human, but I'm not very picky.
Liera: Beer!

15. When is your birthday?
Howard: Sometime in September, I don't remember the exact date.
Tepet: Sixth of the Spear, or 18th of Descending Fire, depending on the calendar you use.
Shadow: I prefer not to remember such dates from my previous life.
Wojtek: 21st February.
Miles: 15th of the Resplendent Wood.
Luigi: February 19th.
James: The fifth of November.
Hunter: 12th of the Resplendent Water.
Ignacy: October 2nd.
Teena: 14th of January.
Ksenon: 24th of October Anno Domini 467.

16. What age did you die?
Howard: I'm not dead yet!
Tepet: What? I'm alive. And staying that way.
Shadow: Technically, I didn't.
Wojtek: Argh. You spoke with Fila just now, didn't you?
Miles: My last incarnation? A few thousand years ago.
Luigi: What the hell?
James: I'm not dead. You don't have to be afraid.
Hunter: Metaphorically? My old life ended when I entered the Order.
Ignacy: What are you talking about?
Teena: Stop this. You're really creeping me out.
Willi: I'm not sure I understand your question.
Sally: ...Don't scare me like that!
Ksenon: I was 33. Still am.
Liera: Hmm. You could say I was 17 when I died. In a way.

17. Are you nice or mean?
Howard: I don't waste my time on such concerns.
Tepet: Probably mean. I don't care.
Shadow: That depends.
Wojtek: I try to be nice.
Miles: Nice... generally. If I'm in the mood.
Luigi: Trust me, you want me to be nice.
James: I'm a gentleman.
Hunter: I am not malicious, if that's what you are asking.
Ignacy: Unless you get on my bad side, I'm a gentleman.
Teena: I'm generally nice to everyone, but there are times it's quite hard.
Willi: I think I'm nice. Being nice is more fun.
Tarik: Depends on the situation.
Sally: Nice. By default, anyway.
Ksenon: Nice, if I remember or care to act so.
Liera: I start nice. What's next is up to you.

18. Are you social or shy?
Howard: Neither. I just don't need anyone. The less distractions, the better.
Tepet: Pretty social, I think. But there are limits.
Shadow: (suppresses a burst of laughter) Pardon me.
Wojtek: I'm a people's person... mostly.
Miles: Shyness makes you miss a lot of fun.
Luigi: Shy? No, I don't think so.
James: Not really social, but due to my job I often have to be.
Hunter: I prefer solitude, but I have no problems with company.
Ignacy: Social. I like a good company.
Teena: Me? As social as my limited free time allows.
Willi: Definitely social. I love meeting new people and going to parties. Not only for good food.
Tarik: I wouldn't say I'm shy, but large crowds make me a bit nervous.
Sally: I keep to myself, yes, but if I can, I love to go wild.
Ksenon: I do like a good conversation.
Liera: Oh please. I love people and parties.

19. What do you think of your parents?
Howard: Good, hard-working folk they were.
Tepet: Too entangled in petty Dynastic squabbles.
Shadow: They were too simple. Not meant for bigger things. I stopped concerning myself with them long ago.
Wojtek: My father will always be an example to me. I love my mother, and try to not make her worry about me too much.
Miles: They're probably still in Paragon, with Perfect's brand on their palms. I pity them somewhat, but they really aren't my biggest concern right now.
Luigi: Great people, Catholics and Sicilians to the core. I'd do anything for them. Family is everything, after all.
James: I have fond memories of them.
Hunter: They are not part of my life any more.
Ignacy: They, especially my father, made me who I am now. I owe them more than I'd ever could repay, and I'll always keep them in my heart.
Teena: I love them, even if they're a bit on the controlling side, especially Mom.
Willi: The best parents we could ever have. I hope they're now at Esmerelda's warm hearth and her ever-full dining table.
Tarik: Good people who achieved something in life by their own merit and hard work. They did not deserve their fate.
Sally: I love them, and that's exactly why I'm probably gonna stay away from them for the rest of my life.
Ksenon: I know nothing of them. I admire my sire Heromenes though.
Liera: Poor folks stuck on their farm, whittling their lives away in dirt. No way I'm going to end up like them.

20. What's your weakness?
Howard: Not my aim, I'll tell you.
Tepet: I have next to no defences against being shaped by Wyld. But this will change soon.
Shadow: Sometimes I get that funny feeling, like I'm being watched by someone... someone other than my lords.
Wojtek: My mother, though I hate to even think of her that way.
Miles: I'm not really a group worker.
Luigi: Beautiful women.
James: I'd do anything to avoid being cast out into the wilderness again.
Hunter: My limited understanding of the Immaculate Dragons.
Ignacy: My curiosity will be the death of me someday.
Teena: My ambitions, I think... Also, my curiosity. And my lack of courage. And... a few more. Seems that my self-confidence is one of them, too.
Willi: The Lupold blood in me that spurs me to seek adventures too dangerous for my own good.
Tarik: My inclination for risk. I know it will be the end of me some day.
Sally: Besides always picking the fucking worst guy in the room? Peanuts.
Ksenon: I see things that are not.
Liera: I hate bugs.

21. How long can you stay under water?
Howard: What? The "Edinburgh" isn't submersible... hum, you know, it's actually not that bad an idea...
Tepet: As long as I want.
Shadow: A minute or two, probably.
Wojtek: About three minutes.
Miles: Song's cockpit is watertight.
Luigi: Six minutes forty-three seconds is my current record.
James: Two to three minutes, but I try to avoid swimming when possible.
Hunter: Indefinitely, as can all children of Daana'd.
Ignacy: About a minute and a half.
Teena: You mean, holding my breath? Around two minutes.
Willi: I don't know, and I don't want to find out, thank you very much.
Tarik: Not very long.
Sally: A minute, maybe a bit more.
Ksenon: Indefinitely.
Liera: Two to three minutes.

22. What do you do on a regular day basis?
Howard: Work in my laboratory.
Tepet: Practice martial arts. Kill people. Annoy people. Meditate. Do nothing.
Shadow: Further the agenda of my lords. If there is any spare time, I try to indulge myself.
Wojtek: Train people from the Polish Underground in the use of explosives. Study mechanical sciences. Try to survive. Get creeped out by Hela, and to lesser extent, by Fila.
Miles: Look out for First Age knowledge. If possible, go out flying with Song. Serve my Lady.
Luigi: I'm a government official now and what I do is classified. After work I enjoy eating a good Italian dinner. When I have more free time, I take out my fishing rod and head for the nearest river or lake.
James: Lately, I try to stay alive.
Hunter: I protect the faith in the Immaculate Dragons and the law of the Scarlet Throne.
Ignacy: I try to have my precint running smoothly, juggling multiple difficult cases and keeping the city safe at the same time.
Teena: Study. Study. And then study some more. The Princeton Law School is no joke, and there are also my occult studies... I can't wait until I finally graduate. If it ever actually happens.
Willi: I meet with potential clients at the merchant's guild, hang out at the Lotus, go to theatres... I want to taste everything the big city has to offer.
Tarik: Depends very much on where I currently am and what's the current job. During hyperspace downtime I sleep, review the course, do some minor ship repairs or watch holofilms.
Sally: Hide. Read up on monsters. Avoid monsters. Kill monsters.
Ksenon: Sleep.
Liera: Walk, mostly. When a fight or a party happens it's a nice change, but I quite like walking as I get to see new places that way.

23. Do you love someone?
Howard: My true love is science.
Tepet: Not really.
Shadow: Not anymore, and I'm fine with that.
Wojtek: My mother.
Miles: I don't think so.
Luigi: My parents. Lots of women, at one time or another.
James: Not at the moment.
Hunter: My sworn brotherhood, if you can call that love.
Ignacy: I'm not currently with any woman, if that's what you are asking.
Teena: (with a slight smile) Again, none of your business.
Willi: My family, except uncle Per Holger and that wife of his, may the wretched land-stealing goat-fanciers fall from a tree and break their necks.
Tarik: My sister Jessa.
Sally: Not at the moment, no.
Ksenon: No.
Liera: I'm not in love right now.

24. When was the last time you wet yourself.
Howard: I beg your pardon?
Tepet: Do you have a death wish?
Shadow: Probably in my infancy.
Wojtek: I don't remember, but there were some close calls lately.
Miles: What was that supposed to mean?
Luigi: Wet as in, pissed myself? Son, you don't want to piss me off. Trust me.
James: Gentlemen don't discuss such things.
Hunter: I try to bathe at least once per day. My anima consists of water, too.
Ignacy: During the war. I've seen worse things happen to grown men in that time.
Teena: I'm sorry, what?
Willi: During that freak storm a few weeks ago. The less said, the better. Halflings were not meant to be sailors.
Sally: In the hospital, perhaps? I don't really remember.
Ksenon: I don't recall any such time. Probably in my infancy.
Liera: When the Iron Wind closed on my caravan.

25. What's your favorite band?
Howard: What's with that nonsense?
Tepet: Those guys from the Cerulean Lute, Iron Siaka's pals. They are really good.
Shadow: I don't pay much attention to musicians.
Wojtek: Jerzy Petersburski.
Miles: I don't have a clear favorite.
Luigi: I dunno. I'm not really into music that much.
James: The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
Hunter: What do you mean by band?
Willi: The orchestra at the Lotus is quite nice.
Tarik: Max Rebo's, from Tatooine. That backwater sandbox of a planet actually happens to attract pretty neat musicians, somehow.
Sally: A band of one. Bulat Okudzawa.
Ksenon: --

26. Ever worn a dress?
Howard: It's called a KILT, you ignorant moron!
Tepet: I had to a few times, but I usually try to avoid ceremonial garments.
Shadow: It's not exactly one of my fantasies, though I admit it probably could be fun.
Wojtek: Once, I think, at a carnival party. I was drunk.
Miles: Not that I recall.
Luigi: No. Why should I ever?
James: Obviously, no. Men do not wear dresses.
Hunter: No. I'm neither a woman nor a courtier.
Ignacy: No. Why do you ask?
Teena: Sure, pretty often, though I personally prefer pants.
Willi: No. Dresses are for women, right?
Tarik: No.
Sally: Yes, quite often.
Ksenon: No.
Liera: At home, all the time. I prefer pants now, much better for the road.

27. How about eye-liner?
Howard: A what?
Tepet: No. Contrary to popular belief, not all Dynasts are gay.
Shadow: Once or twice. Doesn't really go well with my eyes.
Wojtek: I'm not even sure I know what is that thing.
Miles: What for?
Luigi: Are you callin' me a fag? A word of advice. Don't.
James: I do have an eyeliner in my makeup kit, but I haven't used it yet.
Hunter: No. I'm neither a woman nor a courtier.
Ignacy: Ah, that makeup thingy the women use? I don't see why I ever should.
Teena: Sometimes, but I generally tend to stick to lighter makeup.
Willi: An eye-what?
Tarik: I don't wear makeup.
Sally: Sure.
Ksenon: What is that?
Liera: Eh?

28. What do you consider fun in the daytime?
Howard: When my research goes smoothly and according to the plan.
Tepet: When I get to have a good, challenging fight.
Shadow: Same as in the nighttime. And no, I don't mean sleeping.
Wojtek: Hanging out with my friends and colleagues. Working on a car engine.
Miles: Reading old tomes, perhaps spending time with Song. Free time is not very common for me, so I try to make the most of it.
Luigi: Sitting in a boat on a lake for hours with a fishing rod and a bucket of bait, doing absolutely nothing except holding the rod.
James: Fun? Being safe, I think. Being able to relax. A good book, a pipe and a cup of tea do sound like paradise.
Hunter: Satisfying, you mean? Spreading the Dragon's word. Making Creation a better place. Learning new katas.
Ignacy: A day of boredom, when everything is running smoothly, there is no crazy killer on the loose for a change and I can just read a good book in my office to kill the time.
Teena: Reading a good book, playing tennis, going out with friends, simply relaxing...
Willi: A nice party, a delicious meal, and a good smoke afterwards.
Tarik: A swift speeder ride just above the treetops. Alone, without any interruptions, just me and the engine.
Sally: Being able to read a good book without having to look over my shoulder all the time. Doing research on Slavic monsters that somehow got stateside.
Ksenon: Sleeping.
Liera: Going over that next hill and seeing what's there. In good weather. With a belly full of beer and good food.

29. At night?
Howard: The same.
Tepet: A good party. A nice tumble with some girl. And if someone comes looking for trouble, who am I to say no?
Shadow: Feasting, carnal pleasures and a good night's rest from time to time.
Wojtek: Sleeping, preferably in a safe place. Blowing things up.
Miles: Resting, either alone or in female company.
Luigi: Bringing a beautiful woman to a good restaurant or a hotel.
James: Sleeping safely in a comfortable bed.
Hunter: Prayer and sleep.
Ignacy: Attending a party or a banquet with my friends from the Legions. Also, a good night's rest.
Teena: Partying! Or sleeping. With my usual schedule, it's mostly sleeping anyway.
Willi: Drinking and gambling, though I'm trying to quit this habit.
Tarik: A few rounds of sabacc and a glass of brandy.
Sally: Partying!
Ksenon: Conversing with learned people. Reading souls of others.
Liera: Drinking, dancing, partying, fighting, fucking, listening to tales. Pick any combination.

30. Ever kissed anyone?
Howard: I fail to see the relevance of this, but yes, I did indeed.
Tepet: Yes. It's not really that special.
Shadow: Was that question even serious?
Wojtek: Well, there were a few girls...
Miles: Of course. What's the big deal?
Luigi: Sure.
James: It so happens that I did, yes.
Hunter: Yes.
Ignacy: I did, of course. Like, you know, most people.
Teena: (smiling) Sure did.
Willi: Yes. And?
Tarik: Yes.
Sally: Way too many people.
Ksenon: Probably, yes.
Liera: Of course.

31. ...Of the same gender?
Howard: My father. On his hand, at his funeral.
Tepet: No. Gimme a break.
Shadow: No. I prefer women.
Wojtek: Ugh. No, thanks.
Miles: I had to kiss Perfect's hand a few times.
Luigi: What? You're disgusting.
James: My father and my grandfather. Why?
Hunter: Sometimes you have to, so yes.
Ignacy: Kissing each other on the cheeks is a common greeting, so sure.
Teena: Um, yes? I mean, we girls kiss each other as a greeting. Or did you mean kissing, as in, making out? Sorry, I'm not swinging that way.
Willi: Half of my family. Unless you mean a lover's kiss, then you really have to sit down and think about your preconceptions on halflings. I've heard a lot, but this is a new one.
Tarik: Nope, I don't swing that way.
Sally: Not all my exes were guys.
Ksenon: Could be. It's not that uncommon.
Liera: Uh, no.

32. It's clear you're gay.
Howard: Pshaw. What an amateur insult.
Tepet: For the last time, not all Dynasts are like that!
Shadow: I'm not, not that I care what you think anyway.
Wojtek: (rolls eyes and taps his forehead a few times, looking at the interviewer)
Miles: Intriguing. Are you really so unafraid of me to try throwing insults?
Luigi: You wish. Now get the hell outta my face.
James: I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer.
Hunter: I am not, I am celibate, and what difference would that make anyway?
Ignacy: Oh, please.
Teena: (slightly annoyed) I just told you I'm not.
Willi: Sure, why not? It's also clear I'm a wretched thief, I have smelly feet, I steal jobs from good people, harass sheeps and I'd love to spit in your beer. Actually, that last one is probably true. Racist bigot.
Tarik: That's funny, considering I'm not.
Sally: A bit, yes. But how exactly is that so clear?
Ksenon: What do you mean?
Liera: It's clear you're stupid.

33. Whats you're favorite thing to touch?
Howard: Ghost rock.
Tepet: The handle of my essence saber.
Shadow: Young women and fine silks.
Wojtek: Metal.
Miles: Old paper and blood, but not both at the same time.
Luigi: Polished metal and wood.
James: Paper.
Hunter: Clear, cold water.
Ignacy: Paper, velvet.
Teena: Fresh grass and paper.
Willi: Fresh, warm bread.
Tarik: Smooth, thrumming durasteel casing of an engine.
Sally: Paper.
Ksenon: Smooth stone.
Liera: Silk.

34. Anyone loves you?
Howard: It'd be nice, but I don't really know.
Tepet: I don't care. Probably not.
Shadow: There's a strong possibility. Many of them, in fact.
Wojtek: My mother. Maybe someone else also does, but I don't have a girlfriend now.
Miles: I really wouldn't bet on it.
Luigi: My parents, obviously. I'm fairly certain a few girls do too, or at least they say so.
James: I don't know.
Hunter: My sworn brotherhood, if you call that love.
Ignacy: (shrugs) Maybe? I don't know.
Teena: Other than my family? Perhaps. But it's not a thing I'm going to discuss with a stranger.
Willi: My family, except you know who.
Tarik: My sister. Other than her, I don't think so.
Sally: Right now? One being too many.
Ksenon: Not that I know.
Liera: I'm sure someone does. Probably multiple someones, in fact.

35. Whats your favorite color?
Howard: Dark blue.
Tepet: Red.
Shadow: Violet.
Wojtek: Blue.
Miles: Emerald green.
Luigi: Red.
James: Yellow.
Hunter: Black.
Ignacy: Light blue.
Teena: Blue.
Willi: Green.
Tarik: White.
Sally: Dark blue.
Ksenon: Orange.
Liera: Light green and blue.

36. When was the last time you cried?
Howard: When I saw my mine burning.
Tepet: Around the beginning of my education in Pasiap's Stair, I think.
Shadow: I don't remember.
Wojtek: Before my father's funeral.
Miles: When Perfect's mark disappeared, but those were tears of joy.
Luigi: I'm not sure. Probably at my parents' wedding anniversary party a few years ago.
James: About four years ago.
Hunter: A long time ago.
Ignacy: Almost a year ago, but I'm not going to share any details.
Teena: That's private.
Willi: When I found out uncle Per Holger didn't even wait for father's funeral to be over and sued to take our land from us. I haven't even thought it possible that someone could be such an unbelievable asshole before then.
Tarik: When I got fired from KDY and had to leave Kuat while Jessa stayed behind.
Sally: I didn't cry since I left hospital, but I'm pretty sure it did happen during that goddamn blank period.
Ksenon: One more thing I do not remember.
Liera: Some time ago, I haven't really kept track. I don't cry often.

37. Do you have a pet?
Howard: No, but I had a dog once.
Tepet: Nope.
Shadow: I had. She died in the explosion of a factory cathedral.
Wojtek: No.
Miles: A sentient hellstrider is so much more than a pet.
Luigi: Sort of.
James: I would like to, but it's not really possible lately.
Hunter: No.
Ignacy: I used to keep a dog, but I don't anymore.
Teena: No. We're not allowed to keep pets in the dorm.
Willi: Here in Marienburg? No. I only keep my pony, for when I have to ride out somewhere outside the city.
Tarik: No, I don't have one.
Sally: I wish, but no.
Ksenon: I'm thinking of creating a ghoul, but probably a human one.
Liera: Maybe I should get one. Not a snail-cactus hybrid though, for sure.

38. What did you name your pet?
Howard: Duncan.
Tepet: See above.
Shadow: River Lotus.
Wojtek: Didn't I tell you I don't have one?
Miles: Emerald Song of the Abyss is not my pet, more like a companion.
Luigi: Luiza.
James: I don't have a pet.
Hunter: If you ask questions, listen to the answers.
Ignacy: Hector.
Teena: Are you even listening to what I say?
Willi: My pony's name is Maximillian.
Tarik: I don't have one.
Sally: I had a dog named Waffles. Stupid, I know. I was eight.
Ksenon: If I had one to name, first thing that comes to mind is Jazon.
Liera: I'll think about that when I do get one.

39. Are you crazy?
Howard: My mind is as bright as ever, thank you.
Tepet: Not really, though some people wouldn't agree.
Shadow: I don't think so.
Wojtek: Sometimes I wonder about that myself.
Miles: No, why?
Luigi: Of course not.
James: Perhaps a little bit. I've been through things no one should have.
Hunter: No, I am not.
Ignacy: Perhaps a little bit. Who isn't?
Teena: I'm not, as far as I can honestly tell.
Willi: Sometimes I wonder about that after I see what I've gotten myself into. Again.
Tarik: Crazy, no. Thrill-seeking, yes, but not crazy. There are odds even I won't take.
Sally: No. I often wonder how that's even possible.
Ksenon: Many people would say so. Myself, I view Malkav's legacy more as a blessing.
Liera: Not really.

40. What are you?
Howard: I am a man of Renaissance. A scientist. An inventor. An alchemist. A doctor. A captain. A cook. The greatest mind of my age.
Tepet: I'm a swordsman. I work in the Division of Battles of the Bureau of Destiny.
Shadow: I'm a man of many talents.
Wojtek: I'm a soldier. I fight for my homeland.
Miles: A scholar and an explorer. One of the vanguard for those who shall soon reclaim what is rightfully theirs.
Luigi: I'm a family man trying to live a good life in service of my extended family and my country.
James: I am an Englishman, an investigator for the New Scotland Yard, and a gentleman.
Hunter: I am but a humble monk.
Ignacy: I'm a policeman and a patriot.
Teena: I'm just a girl with way too many classes to attend and way too little time.
Willi: A halfling from a good, respectable family, connoiseur of fine food, wine and tobacco.
Tarik: A pilot, a smuggler, a fugitive.
Sally: A hunter trying to survive.
Ksenon: A new man. A vampire who sees more than meets the eye.
Liera: A pretty, charming wandering warrior.

41. What's the end of your own story?
Howard: I'm still working on it.
Tepet: The Bull of the North turned out to be a pathetic fool, not even worth the effort of killing.
Shadow: I free my lords, at long last.
Wojtek: I don't know, and I'd prefer it to stay that way. With Fila around it may be quite difficult, though.
Miles: I lead my Lady and her brethren back to their long-lost realm.
Luigi: As I see it? I grow old in a Sicilian vineyard, surrounded by lots of grandchildren.
James: I die. And then I rise again. I know that. I only hope there will be a Mourner at hand to put me to rest for good.
Hunter: It is not my place to presume anything about my destiny.
Ignacy: I don't think I want to know it just yet.
Teena: (eyes unfocusing and looking very distant for a short moment) It's beautiful.
Willi: I return home with lucrative contracts in hand to counter-sue uncle Per Holger out of his last penny, become happily married and have a lot of lovely children.
Tarik: This fucking war ends and I retire with a sizable sum of credits to share with Jessa and let her live the life she wants to. Either that or I get vaporised in a fiery explosion.
Sally: I kill Koschei the Deathless. Somehow.
Ksenon: Is there one?
Liera: I see the whole world and grow old as a filthy rich woman who never again has to work a day in her life, surrounded by pretty boys and great food.

42. What's your nickname?
Howard: I'm too old for such foolishness.
Tepet: Everyone just calls me by my family name.
Shadow: Shadow. A shorter version of my full name.
Wojtek: You mean my codename? Wojtek. People tend to mistake it for my real name quite often.
Miles: I don't really have one, which causes some problems from time to time.
Luigi: I sometimes go by the name Giovanni Ferrari. I don't have a nickname per se.
James: I have a few false names, but no nickname, I'm afraid.
Hunter: You can shorten my name to just "Hunter", if you prefer that. I do not mind.
Ignacy: I've used a few false names while working undercover, but those aside, I don't have one.
Teena: Teena. My friends call me that. It's a shortening of my shadow name, Athena.
Willi: Willehalm is a great name with long traditions, but it's also a mouthful and sounds extremely serious. I prefer my friends to call me Willi.
Tarik: I don't use an alias. Perhaps I should, but I don't really care.
Sally: Little Sally. I hate it very much.
Ksenon: You could say my current name is a kind of a nom-de-guerre. I don't know my former name.
Liera: I don't have one, though I do get called Red from time to time.

43. Do you consider yourself a happy or a down person?
Howard: I've lived a good life, and a good part of it still lies ahead of me. It probably means I'm happy.
Tepet: Being down doesn't solve anything and is unfun.
Shadow: I'm certainly happy. I have about everything I want.
Wojtek: I try to be happy, but the reality around me doesn't make that easy.
Miles: And why should I be down, exactly?
Luigi: I try my best to be happy.
James: Now? Definitely happy. Being a fatalist has nothing to do with that.
Hunter: I am content.
Ignacy: A bit down lately, I think. The times are not exactly good.
Teena: Perhaps a bit overworked, but happy.
Willi: I'm quite happy, and I'm trying to keep it that way.
Tarik: In the middle, but I have my happy moments.
Sally: Surprisingly, still happy.
Ksenon: I don't really think of myself in such categories.
Liera: Happy of course.

44. If you were a superhero, you'd be...?
Howard: Heroism ain't my thing.
Tepet: The winner of the yearly Calibration celestial martial arts tourney.
Shadow: Am I not?
Wojtek: Superheroes don't exist. Heroes die on daily basis. That being said, I try to follow my father's example.
Miles: The intrepid explorer who restores his long-exiled kings to their rightful trones. Oh wait...
Luigi: The Comedian.
James: Sherlock Holmes.
Hunter: Saibok Gauto.
Ignacy: A superhero? What do you mean?
Teena: I'm not really into comics, sorry.
Willi: I really, really shouldn't try to play hero. It never ends well. But since you asked... When I was little, I wanted to become a fieldwarden like my great-grandfather and keep our lands safe from the darkness creeping in from the east. It's not that far from Dreiflussen to the Sylvanian border. I carry his sling with me as a memento. It seems to bring me luck so far.
Tarik: --
Sally: --
Ksenon: --
Liera: --

45. Favorite movie?
Howard: What?
Tepet: Games of Divinity.
Shadow: I prefer live entertainment.
Wojtek: I liked King Kong, but now only pigs go to cinemas.
Miles: I don't have one.
Luigi: Virginia City.
James: I'm not sure I follow.
Hunter: I don't know what you are talking about.
Teena: The Princess Bride.
Willi: A movie? What's that?
Tarik: --
Sally: The Neverending Story.
Ksenon: --
Liera: --

46. What was your saddest moment?
Howard: When I had to leave Scotland.
Tepet: When I realized how pitiful my archenemy is.
Shadow: I'm not going into details about that.
Wojtek: When I heard that my father died in a German bombing raid.
Miles: When I found out just how much of Creation has been irrevocably destroyed.
Luigi: I'm not really sure. Nothing exactly stands out.
James: When I got thrown out into the wilderness surrounding Berlin and realized that it probably will be my home for the rest of my life.
Hunter: The moment I fully realized my inherent imperfection.
Ignacy: When I realized just how little most people care for this country, even though it's only been a few short years since we're independent again.
Teena: When Grandma Kim died eight years ago.
Willi: When my father's own brother tried to take our home away from us, without even waiting for father's body to cool.
Sally: When I realized that my whole former life was suddenly, abruptly over.
Ksenon: When I first came to the conclusion that some of the things I see are merely illusions confined to my mind and nothing more.
Liera: When I had to kill and bury my whole mutated caravan.

47. What is your strongest point?
Howard: My mind.
Tepet: My combat prowess.
Shadow: My good looks.
Wojtek: My technical skills.
Miles: The blessing of my Lady.
Luigi: My aim.
James: My strong will and education.
Hunter: My faith.
Ignacy: My logical reasoning.
Teena: My determination.
Willi: My shrewd business instinct.
Tarik: My skill as a pilot.
Sally: My knowledge of Slavic mythology. I can hold my booze, too.
Ksenon: My sight and insight.
Liera: My looks and my fighting skills, in that order.

48. You had to face your biggest fear?
Howard: Not yet, and with every year passing I grow more confident that I won't have to.
Tepet: I don't think so, but I'll probably handle it.
Shadow: I'm ready for it.
Wojtek: I'm... not sure about that. It's possible.
Miles: I did, and I have become stronger than I could've possibly imagined before.
Luigi: No. I've come to terms with the fact my parents will die someday, but I don't really know how I'll react to that when it happens.
James: Yes. Many times over.
Hunter: No, but I live with it every day.
Ignacy: I've faced many fears during the war. A few of them seemed the biggest at that time. Now, I'm not really sure.
Teena: I'm not even exactly sure I know what my biggest fear is.
Willi: I've thought I'm surely going to go bankrupt a few times already. It hasn't happened yet, though.
Tarik: Not yet, no.
Sally: I didn't even imagine it then, but yes.
Ksenon: I don't think any one of my fears is significantly bigger than any other.
Liera: Yes, I did.

49. You had to kill the person most precious to you?
Howard: Thankfully, never.
Tepet: No.
Shadow: In a way... but I didn't exactly kill her.
Wojtek: No, and I hope I never will.
Miles: Not really. I'm not even sure who that is.
Luigi: No. I'd kill myself first.
James: Luckily, that's one of the few things I've been spared.
Hunter: It never came to that.
Ignacy: I was spared that, at least.
Teena: No... but I fear I might've been involved in some way.
Willi: No. The guy I killed was a lowlife scum that betrayed his employers and tried to rob me in broad daylight. For me, he certainly wasn't anything close to precious.
Tarik: No.
Sally: No, and I hope I didn't kill them indirectly.
Ksenon: In my current life, no.
Liera: Nope.

50. Found out everything you knew was a lie?
Howard: How science and reason could be lies?
Tepet: A sizeable part of it, yes.
Shadow: I did. And I took care of that.
Wojtek: In a way.
Miles: Exactly that.
Luigi: Not yet, and I don't really expect to.
James: No. I've been lied to, but everything? I can't really imagine how that would be possible.
Hunter: Just what are you implying?
Ignacy: Perhaps a bit. Fortunately, not everything.
Teena: Yes and no. But mostly yes. With a capital L, even.
Willi: Everything? You mean, like uncle Per Holger being my best friend, my parents being still alive and pancakes being actually disgusting? Except for the last one, I'd love to find that out.
Tarik: I haven't confirmed that yet, but yes, it's possible I was wrong about a lot of things.
Sally: Everything, no. A great deal of, yes. More than once.
Ksenon: Yes and no. Theoretically speaking, the Embrace can be seen as such a moment, especially often for members of my clan. On the other hand, I do not have any memories of my prior life whatsoever, so none of my knowledge is tied to that period, and therefore has not been invalidated.
Liera: Not really.
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